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VIRTUAL: Great Falls Forum with John Baughman and Michael Sargent

Nov 19, 2020— 12:00 pm

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The 2020-2021 season of the Great Falls Forum continues on Thursday, November 19th, featuring a discussion between John Baughman, Associate Professor of Politics at Bates College, and Michael Sargent, Associate Professor of Psychology at Bates College, on the topic “Election 2020: What Happened and What Does It All Mean?” The program will take place from 12 noon to 1 PM virtually via Zoom and streamed to the Lewiston Public Library Facebook page.
John Baughman teaches on the U.S. Congress, political parties, and elections. Michael Sargent is trained as a social psychologist, and also has interests in political psychology, which involves the study of issues at the intersection of political science and psychology. Since this meeting of the Forum will fall in the shadow of Election Day, Baughman and Sargent will discuss what we know from the results and what we can learn from the 2020 election. They will also discuss more enduring issues, such as the status of voting rights, partisan politics and the Supreme Court, and emerging demographic trends that have implications for the two major parties.
John Baughman received his Ph.D. from the University of Chicago. He teaches in the Politics Department at Bates College, specializing in American politics. His research concerns the development of the U.S. Congress in the 19th century, with particular attention to the way members of the House of Representatives reshaped and modernized the institution in order to respond to constituent demand. Prior to graduate school, he served in the offices of a British Member of Parliament and a U.S. Senator.
Michael Sargent received his Ph.D. in social psychology at The Ohio State University. Much of his teaching and research focus on the ways that race and other social categories can affect people’s judgments of one another. As someone who’s long found politics interesting and important, he identifies as much as a political psychologist as a social psychologist, and enjoys studying how people reason about politics and policy. In his spare time, he produces a podcast about politics and policy, called Tatter.

The Great Falls Forum is a monthly, brown-bag speaker series featuring statewide and regional leaders in public policy, business, academia and the arts. Admission is free to all Forum events. The Forum is a co-sponsorship of the Sun JournalBates College, and LPL. Recordings of the virtual Great Falls Forum programs will be archived on the Library’s YouTube channel following the live event.
For more information, please contact the Lewiston Public Library at 513-3135 or

See more in: Adults | Community | Great Falls Forum | Lecture | Virtual

Written on: Sep 01, 2020

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