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Green Dot Quilt

Our local chapter of Green Dot, a bystander intervention program designed to help reduce threats and violence in the community, has allowed us to showcase a beautiful quilt that several of its members put together.
The Green Dot quilt showcases the makers’ commitment to and support of the program’s central believe that “no one can do everything, but everyone can do something”. The quilt uses various sized circles, some in red to indicate incidents of harassment and violence, and some in green for the positive actions that people can take in response to and prevention of these issues.
According to the artists’ statement, “the larger spiral formed by circles suggests the way in which the culture of our community can grow—as our small individual actions gather force and strength over time— in the direction of kindness and  safety for all. Our collaborative process as artists has been a similar one. Beginning with one small seed of an idea, this quilted piece grew and changed over time as we each offered new possibilities for design, materials, and techniques. Challenges were overcome through time and patience, the respectful sharing of ideas, compromise, and commitment to the wider vision—making for a finished piece that we could not have imagined when we first began.”
The quilt will be here for a limited time only, so come see it while you have the chance.
Green Dot Lewiston Auburn is an initiative by a group of local volunteers who are committed to making our Twin Cities community a better and safer place by teaching strategies for safe and effective responses to hurtful and hateful words and behaviors.  In this way, we aim to reduce the occurrence and impact of harassment, assault, domestic and partner violence and other forms of power-based interpersonal threats and violence.
To contact Green Dot
For more information


See more in: News

Written on: Apr 05, 2018

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